Adam is CEO of Gladiator Law Marketing. He’s an Afghanistan veteran, outdoor enthusiast, husband, and dog parent to two German shepherds.
When it comes to marketing your law firm, sometimes the task includes dispelling myths about lawyers. A consumer’s reluctance to contact your firm can be sparked by erroneous beliefs about attorneys and the legal system, often held unconsciously. So, when creating advertising and digital content, keep in mind that it’s not only important to tell consumers what you are, but also what you are not.
Let’s take a closer look at four popularly held misconceptions about the legal system and how lawyers can address them:
Myth #1: Lawyers Are Expensive
In some complex areas of the law, this may be true. But in the realm of personal injury law, most lawyers work on contingency, which means they don’t get paid until the injured victim gets paid. Attorney fees and case expenses are typically paid for by the defendant’s insurance company as part of a settlement agreement or jury award in successful claims. If for any reason a claim is unsuccessful, then fees are typically waived. Often, an injured person doesn’t have to pay any money upfront to hire a lawyer. If this is the case in your firm’s personal injury practice, then be sure to state this prominently in your digital content and marketing materials.
In practice areas other than personal injury—bankruptcy law, for example—if your fees are modest and affordable compared to the competition, then highlight this fact. Consider including the word “affordable” or “low cost” in your SEO keywords when creating content.
Myth #2: Lawyers Are In Cahoots With Prosecutors, Police And Judges
In the realm of criminal defense law, this myth can be a powerful disincentive for a potential client to call your office. If an individual has been arrested and needs a lawyer to represent them, they’re typically looking for an attorney who will aggressively argue on their behalf, not someone who immediately leans toward pleading out their case. So, convey your passion for criminal justice in your marketing and digital content and highlight some of your most successful high-profile wins in criminal cases.
In your digital content, talk about why you deeply believe everyone deserves their day in court. Keep in mind, too, that it’s often a family member who is searching online for a lawyer—a mother, girlfriend, grandfather, etc.—because their loved one is sitting in jail. So, write online content that speaks to this audience (relatives and loved ones) as well as the accused person.
Myth #3: Taking Someone To Court Means You’re A Bad Person
“I’m not the suing kind” is a phrase that lawyers hear a lot, especially in personal injury cases. Because of an accident or other catastrophic event, a private citizen is thrust into the realm of the legal system, often against their own desires. They face mounting medical bills, lost wages and other financial setbacks, and they are under duress. They never saw themselves as a person who hires a lawyer to “go after” someone else. They worry about how a lawsuit would negatively impact the defendant and his or her family. They may even think of personal injury lawyers as overly aggressive and only interested in making a quick buck. Interestingly, it is sometimes individuals who have been the most critically injured who hold these misconceptions.
If this type of injured person reluctantly contacts your office, it’s important to listen to their concerns attentively, answer their questions and explain to them in greater detail how the legal system works. First, you can share with them that it’s typically an insurance company that will pay any damages, not the driver of a car or a store manager. That’s why insurance companies were created—to provide liability protection to individuals and businesses in the event of an injury lawsuit. Next, explain that it would be an unfair burden for them to be saddled with medical expenses and other financial losses due to an accident that was not their fault. Such financial setbacks could cause hardships for not only them but also for their children, grandchildren and future generations in their family. And finally, reassure them that you will walk beside them every step of the way throughout the legal process. They don’t have to do it alone. The process can be respectful and not overly contentious, even when dealing with the defendant’s attorneys.
Myth #4: Lawyers Use Legalese That Isn’t Understandable
Start with the assumption that many potential clients are already intimidated by lawyers. Consumers often feel overwhelmed by the legal system, which can seem complicated, mystifying and archaic. They feel embarrassed to ask basic questions for fear of appearing unintelligent or naive. They may not understand the legal terminology that lawyers use in the office every day.
You can overcome their reluctance and other obstacles by looking at the situation from their point of view. Begin by putting a potential client at ease. Use everyday terms to explain legal concepts and reassure them that they will always be in the driver’s seat when it comes to making decisions about their case. Tell them that no question is too simple and that you’re happy to provide answers to any questions they may have. If needed, draw a diagram on a piece of paper to explain the legal process so they can “see” it. Introduce them to your staff members who will work on their case so they feel they’re part of a team.
Above all, think about the language you use and recognize that most clients didn’t attend law school and may never have stepped foot in a courtroom. Attorneys feel comfortable in courthouses, but most regular people don’t. Use language that soothes and informs rather than intimidates and overwhelms.
By following the above suggestions, you can help dispel myths about the legal system and increase your chances of attracting potential clients. Understand that there can be unconscious biases against lawyers, and you can actively work to debunk them when communicating and interacting with consumers. This will lead to greater success in your law firm practice.
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Author: Adam Draper, Forbes Councils Member