Co-founder and CEO of SocialPubli, an award-winning influencer marketing platform with 200,000+ opt-in influencers across 35 countries.
Hispanics are one of the fastest-growing U.S. demographics, and they’re also making a rapid ascent into affluence and consumer buying power. As the Hispanic community continues to grow and make its consumer preferences clear, it’s crucial for brands to ensure that they are present and engaged in an authentic way.
There’s an untapped resource they could use to supercharge their success: Latina influencers. Since the early mommy blogger days, Latina influencers have broken barriers and carved themselves a space in the creator economy. They are one of the most diverse and engaged groups of content creators with cross-platform presence and loyal followers who see themselves reflected in their content. Pioneers in the beauty vlogging space, Latina content creators have in recent years expanded beyond the lifestyle, beauty, fashion and food influencer niches into travel, health, personal finance, tech, home decor, gaming and more, branching out into new and powerful ways to represent and generate impact.
Here’s how these content creators have the potential to help brands grow their relevance with their target audiences.
They Can Connect With Consumers Right Where They Are
Latinos are among the most prolific social media and technology users. Ninety-seven percent of Latino households in the U.S. own a smartphone, and Latino consumers spend more than 27 hours per week using their phone apps or browsing the web.
Hispanic users report that they most use social platforms to stay in touch with friends and family and to stay connected with their community. Because they’re in this mindset of connection and community when using social media, brands can very effectively tap into their network by aligning themselves with “friends”— influencers whom these consumers consider trusted advisors and valuable sources of information.
They Can Inspire Intense Loyalty
Despite the growing market influence of the Hispanic community, there’s still room for expansion in the influencer realm. Based on our research, Latina influencers believe the Hispanic community is underrepresented in influencer marketing campaigns.
While Hispanics make up almost 19% of the U.S. population, only 6% of the marketing industry’s investment is spent on reaching the Hispanic community. Out of 1,900 brands that choose to invest in English-language television advertising in the U.S., only 400 of them are using Spanish-language messaging to reach Hispanic consumers.
These are missed opportunities for brands and advertisers to work with a young, fast-growing, loyal and financially powerful demographic. The U.S. Hispanic population is expected to grow by 82% between 2018 and 2058. Fifty-eight percent of Hispanic consumers in the U.S. are under 34 years of age and in their prime years for forming brand affiliations and cementing loyalty.
That last point is critical for understanding Latina influencers’ vast, untapped potential because the Hispanic market is extremely brand loyal. Once they find a brand they like, 80% of U.S. Hispanics plan to stick with it. And 49% of Hispanic TV viewers say they’re more likely to buy products when their identity group is represented in advertising content.
Therefore, reaching out to these consumers before they’ve made a strong brand connection, and using Latina influencers to do it, can give brands a huge competitive advantage in gaining market share.
There’s Still Room To Get In Early
Perhaps because Hispanic consumers are avid technology and smartphone users, they’re also very active on new and rapidly growing platforms like TikTok. According to Marketing Charts, Hispanics tend to use most social media platforms more than other ethnic groups. TikTok is where the difference is greatest:
• One out of every five adult TikTok users is Hispanic.
• Hispanics are much more likely to use newer social platforms like TikTok than non-Hispanics.
Some experts attribute this level of activity and engagement to “the importance the online community places on individual identity and direct social interaction.”
Latina influencers are already ahead of the game on this trend, as nearly 40% of the Latina influencers we surveyed indicated that they see TikTok as one of the biggest areas for opportunity in the future.
There Are A Variety Of Niches In The Latina Influencer Base
Whatever your brand is offering, you can likely find a Latina influencer with a dedicated and loyal following. For example, McDonald’s recently partnered with well-known Latina education influencer Sofía Bella to create visibility for its Latino-focused HACER National Scholarship program.
Food and household care make up a hefty portion of retail spending, which, in turn, dominates overall digital advertising spending. Leading Hispanic influencers are already carving out their unique niches in these spaces as well, with influencers like Omi Hopper (@CookingConOmi) sharing unique recipes with Puerto Rican flair and attracting more than 8 million TikTok likes while doing it.
These Latina influencers, along with many others, are bringing their own unique cultural flair to the content they create, and they’re attracting loyal followers who rely on their guidance and advice when making decisions.
Investing In Latina Influencer Partnerships
The Hispanic market is poised to continue its rapid growth—both in audience and affluence. According to Nielsen, “marketers who are able to build authentic connections with these consumers now stand to benefit for years to come.” Connecting with Latina influencers is a first step in fine-tuning messages and audiences to make the most of your reach.
To get started on working with Latina influencers, think about the platforms where your target audience spends the most time. Approach Latina influencers on these platforms with the goal of creating authentic connections and building long-term relationships. Prioritize engagement over follower count. Partnering with a niche influencer who has a small but loyal following will likely be more impactful than working with an influencer who reaches more people but is not necessarily seen as a trusted voice in your niche.
And last but not least, give your Latina influencer partners the creative freedom and flexibility to inject their personality, culture and creativity into the sponsored content you’re co-creating. They know what resonates the most with their communities and can provide valuable feedback for content that feels authentic and true to who they are while driving brand awareness and engagement.
As the U.S. Hispanic market grows, so will the nuances between different communities and generations. Working with strategic, knowledgeable Latina influencer partners can give you the right foundation for creating strong, long-lasting connections with your target audience.
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Author: Ismael El Qudsi, Forbes Councils Member