Partner and Brand Strategy Leader at Historic, co-author of “Culture Built My Brand.”
The demand for healthy organizational culture is more than a post-pandemic trend. As millennials rise into positions of power and authority, there’s also been a positive, growing focus and priority on the cultural health of the organizations those millennial leaders choose to work for. This positive trend has resulted in organizations awakening to the nascent power of employee investment and engagement. Today, smart organizations realize that in a fast-moving world that changes on a dime, it is their people who are their ultimate competitive advantage.
In his book, Lou Gerstner, the famous turn-around leader of IBM, said it best: “I came to see, in my time at IBM, that culture isn’t just one aspect of the game—it is the game. In the end, an organization is nothing more than the collective capacity of its people to create value.”
Like the soil in any garden, company culture is where your people grow. And like soil, your culture requires regular enrichment, improvement and caretaking. Through my culture consulting, I’ve had the opportunity to talk with, and learn from, talented millennial employees. The majority I talk with are elevating culture over compensation and choosing to work for employers that take a proactive interest in their growth and health.
I recommend leaders view their company culture as an outcome. There are multiple levers and systems that cultivate and shape culture: compensation, values, supervision and management, meetings, etc. But your company culture is ultimately the combined result and outcome of those multiple levers and systems. They work together to create the soil in which your people either flourish and grow or whither and shrink.
Supervision is the critical front line of culture shaping because it is where employees consistently build trust and receive input that has the most direct impact on their contribution and satisfaction at work.
I work with multiple organizations that have brilliant staff retreats and competitive compensation plans. However, they struggle to sustain a healthy company culture because they lack consistent and effective standards for supervision. Often, supervisors are promoted into their supervisory positions with little training or even guidelines on what supervision looks like for their organization.
Below are three powerful ways better supervision can contribute to a healthy organizational culture where people flourish and grow.
• Focus on the ‘how.’
The “how” = the qualitative side of performance.
Supervision is more than management and should address how an employee performs as much as—or more than—what they produce. If an employee has an impressive scorecard but is leaving a dysfunctional wake behind them, good supervision leans into how they get their results more than simply celebrating the good results. This could mean addressing self-awareness, communication, attitude, executive presence and so on.
Seventy-five percent of my executive coaching focuses on this more qualitative side of leadership because as leaders grow in authority and power, it is the soft skills that undermine their leadership more than their ability to get results.
• Approach development proactively.
Development is a joint initiative between the employee and the organization to improve existing skills and knowledge through professional and personal growth. Development is about investing in the individual and believing that investment will contribute to the organization over time.
While added programs focused on leadership development can be helpful, the core of any proactive organizational leadership development strategy should be baked into the already existing systems of supervision.
Depending on the season, employee development can float between formal and informal, personal and professional, and specialized and generalized skill building.
• Build a consistent, customized framework.
The “tyranny of the urgent” is a constant tension that often mitigates effective supervision. It can be easy to push off or delay one-on-one meetings when work feels stressful or there isn’t anything urgent requiring a meeting. By building a value-driven framework that informs supervision across the organization, you mitigate inconsistent supervision because you create accountability by training and equipping supervisors with the same process and framework.
I recommend building a framework that aligns with the unique values, mission and brand promise of your organization. Off-the-shelf and cut-and-paste solutions are rarely effective because they fail to address the unique dynamics of the organization they are serving. Systems of supervision, like all the systems that support your people, should reflect the unique dynamics of the organization it serves and be customized and tailored to the specific needs of your organizational soil.
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Author: Ted Vaughn, Forbes Councils Member