Founder of InCharged, using event tech to connect audiences and brands, and LuxUVC, making medical-grade sanitizing tech available to all

Newark, New Jersey, is known for a lot of things: being home to the New Jersey Devils and the Prudential Center; the starting place for Senator Cory Booker, former presidential candidate and Newark Mayor; and travel hub, by way of Newark International Airport and proximity to New York City. It’s less known for its growing startup community, even though it has all the ingredients to make it the perfect place for any growing business.
I recently made the decision to put down roots in Newark and grow my business there. As a lifelong New Jersey resident, this wasn’t a major stretch for me, but it’s one I thought carefully about. For a young company, deciding on where to grow is a big decision. For me, it was important that I landed somewhere with a diverse, talented community and somewhere that we could get a big space without draining every dollar of revenue. Capital and clients are always important too, but with the right idea, you can attract those pieces almost anywhere.
The reception I’ve received as a small business owner in Newark has had me wondering why founders — who are usually looking for the “next big thing” — are so stuck on the same old places when it comes to growing their companies. Sure, Silicon Valley and Manhattan are great for access to VCs, but have your ever paid rent or salary there? In a city like Newark, I can attract all the people and things I need to grow without sacrificing our soul for closet-sized office space.
Founders who are considering headquartering their businesses in alternative locations actually have quite a bit to gain in nontraditional startup communities like Newark. With the right attitude and approach, these types of locations can serve as both a home base and a conduit for success. Here are some tips for founders thinking outside the hub:
1. Be a joiner. It’s true that this is important no matter where your company lands, but for a startup founder, your network is everything. In a smaller community, clubs, councils and meetups are likely to get more attention. In Newark, I’ve become a member of the New Jersey Tech Council, and the relationships I made there landed me on a State Commission. The Newark-based groups I’ve joined are small and intimate, and they’re easy places to make real connections.
2. Learn the corporate landscape. Just because a community isn’t populated solely by techies and investors doesn’t mean there aren’t great resources for capital, contracts and contacts. In fact, in these small cities and communities, I’ve found that corporations are more likely to be supportive of locally based founders and companies impacting their local economies.
3. Realize that you have what they want. Places that are actively trying to grow their innovation economies are doing so for a reason. It usually has to do with job creation, taxable revenue and new talent, but it also means that they want you there. Your business might not make a ripple in an economy like New York City or Silicon Valley, but in a smaller community, it can make a wave or two. That can help open doors to new partnerships, financial benefits and even clients.
4. See beyond business. The art and culture community intersects more easily with the startup community in smaller startup-driven cities. There is less competition between creators and more collaboration, and these connections and relationships are easier to forge and maintain. Dive into this and invest in it. This can help your company grow, and it can help you grow as a founder and a human.
5. Leverage exposure. Leverage the local press. Like a community’s corporate players, local press in small startup cities are more likely to take pride in hometown founders and local businesses. Their readers are craving stories like yours and might even be startup founders themselves who appreciate your hustle.
Growing a company in a nontraditional startup city is like growing a startup within a startup. The city’s gritty nature and underdog identity make you root for it with the same sense of determination that took over when you started your own business. There is a stronger sense of community among its residents, and that type of energy can push a founder forward. Combine that with a good accelerator and a healthy dose of economic development, and you have a prime location for your headquarters.
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Author: Jessica Gonzalez, Forbes Councils Member